Thursday, May 28, 2009

Go BarCa Go!!! The Trophy is YOurs!!!

This Morning, the European Champions League had been won by Barcelona FC from Spain!! Yeah!! The had Beaten the Red Devils 2-0!!! Goals are by Xavi and Messi. Thank Goodness Barca won! if not the so called devils fan will be hard headed as the devil himself..This would teaches them to be down to earth. They rooting for the devils,what can you expect?muslims yet rooting for the so called enemy of the religion. God help them. well im happy that everything went well in the Champions League. The depth of strenght of both teams are quiet similar but Barca had proven they are more superior. Man u is a strong team, no one can deny that. Its a great team yet they do not have the ability to gain the European Champion, just the english champion or can be called "jaguh kampung".huhuhuu.~fin~

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