Wednesday, May 20, 2009


When faced with difficult circumstances, why do some people falter and spiral towards self-destruction while others survive and even thrive once the storm has passed? No one is immune to adversity, but some people seem to be better able to cope with and recover from even the most strenuous conditions. At the core of their strength is a mindset that allows them to carry on through thick and thin.

Remember that you are in control

Choose your attitude

Have faith in yourself.
You've made it this far. You can make it through just one more day. And if you take it just one day at a time, or even one moment at a time, you can survive whatever you're going through. It won't be easy, and you're not invincible, so take baby steps

Pick your battles wisely.
You're going through a lot right now; don't cling to ideals and concerns that will break you rather than make you. This is as good a time as ever to avoid sweating the small stuff. Whittle your life down to a few core values that mean the world to you, and don't worry about anything else. "Some people think it's holding on that makes one strong- sometimes it's letting go."

Reach out.
Spend time with friends and family who are supportive and positive. If no one is available, make new friends. And if there are no friends to be found, help others who are in greater need than you are. Sometimes when we feel like we can't better our own situations, we can find strength in bettering someone else's, and we can also gain perspective on our own lives. "I cried because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet."

Be thankful.
Life is tough, but if you look closely enough, you'll find and infinite number of things to be grateful for. Even if the things that made you happy in the past are gone, there's so much more to appreciate still. The joy you derive from the world around you is the fuel that'll push you through the hardest of times, so pay attention to what you have and enjoy it for what it's worth. Sure, you might not have that new shirt, or whatever it is you want, but at least you have this computer, with the internet, or you wouldn't be seeing this. You know how to read, you probably have a house, and the Internet you are using is obviously paid for. Some people can't read, have no computer, no home. Think about that.

When times are tough, we're more vulnerable than ever, and it can be tempting to do things that we would normally never consider. You might feel desperate for an escape or validation, but such quick fixes will only make things worse. Don't turn to alcohol, drugs, or any other form of empty, temporary gratification. If you're going to escape, escape into the things that hold meaning for you, like music, reading, or art.

Be strong,we all need you too..

-lurve syasya-

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