Monday, June 09, 2008


On the 5 Jun 2008, Malaysian government had announced that the price of oil will rise as much as 40% for petrol and diesel. The old price for petrol was RM1.92 but the new price is RM2.70 while diesel from RM1.58 had change to RM2.58. This is because our lovely government want to reduce the subsidies given. The true price of oil if without subsidies is RM4.00...yeah a lot. Very very expansive for a student like me. Although I only have a scooter yet it’s a burden for me as I DO NOT COME FOR A RICH FAMILY!!! dad is a retired public servant that received monthly RM2500. I got 2 sisters that are still in school. Money is like blood in our body. We need money very very bad because without it we can’t live in this material world. For god sake! We even need money to shit and pee!! What is the government thinking? It’s very burdensome to us. Why they take such actions? The current world oil price is about USD239 per barrel. But what can the ordinary people do?? NOTHING! For me, I will oblige to follow the new ruling without hesitation.

This new development will burden a student like myself even more. I’m not rich. I’ve have draft an expanse plan for the next 6 month. It had revealed that I need at least RM2000!! Gosh!! That’s a lot for my standard. For all the rich brats in my faculty it’s just a small matter. They have no care in the world. Their dads are bigshots !! Politicians or businessman! Not blaming them for my problems but it’s just what my heart wanted to say. Freedom of expression right??huhuhu. What I put in the plan are oil, maintenance, bills and rent. God show me the light to happiness. I need some guidance. Next semester will be very hard for me. By the way, I estimated that 80% of the students in my faculty live in luxury. Lucky them eh??huhuhu.
I’m not intervening or planting seed of hatred towards the government policy. This is just my opinion towards the decision they make. All of the people that have lower income will greatly get affected by it. My family is one of them. Although I received a scholar from JPA, it seems that it is not enough. What I understand from the action made by the government in previous time is that the more they increase the people income the more they imposed heavier expenses for the people. For example, the government will raise the price of consumer stuff such as food and now OIL!!!
As we all know the government, specifically the great leaders of our nation Malaysia have never ever paid with their own money for their oil. It’s free for them. Lucky them!!!. Why not the government ceased to give these leaders that sort of benefits?? It’s will greatly help the nations in terms of saving it’s money. Other than that why not sell the oil by it’s original price of RM4.00 to foreigners specifically Singaporeans and Siamese. This will help to subsidies the residents in Malaysia.
The effect of this decision would effect every consumer product. Their prices will greatly increase. Public transport fare will also feel the effect. Anything that has relation towards business will eventually become more expansive. Poor people like us. Does anyone care out there?? So god please help us. We are becoming more poorer everytime the government announce something. Anyway the rebate announce by the government is too small in amount an also irrelevant as the standard in Malaysia has now increase over this past years. The price of food has also increase. Gosh!! Who to blame?? Can the world be blame? Or just the greedy human beings that make this happened.
I’m just very shock and mad with the decision that’s all. Some many expanses yet so little income. SORRY if I’ve said too much. It’s just an opinion and expression. It’s not gonna effect the public order or anything.
Let’s see where this decision will take us......

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